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*Prior to opening every day the salon will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to the City, State and Federal mandates.

*Door pushes & handles will be cleaned every hour

*Limited capacity inside the salon

*ALL shared spaces chairs, tables and surfaces will be wiped down frequently

*The common areas will be free of ALL magazines, coffee, tea and any other frequently handled items

*No self-serve beverages offered during this time, we will have sealed unopened beverages available when needed

*No extra friends or family members to come along during your service

*All filters have been changed in all units. We have added HEPA air purifiers and will have fans running to increase ventilation. 

*Will encourage using contactless payments whenever possible, if not our credit card terminals will be sanitized after every use.

*Asking clients to call when they arrive to receive guidance if capacity allows you to come inside

*ALL work stations are 6ft apart

*X throughout common areas that are 6ft apart

*Worker can refuse to service anyone they suspect to be sick or contagious. We have a contactless infrared digital thermometer staff can use to check temperature of client

*The Salon will not to allowing any walk-in clients

*There will be hand sanitizer at checkout and every hair station will have a bottle. Touch less soap dispensers at washing areas

*High risk clients can come in the morning or request to be in a private room, not have hair dried, and not get a shampoo, unless they are receiving a chemical service. 

*ALL Clients MUST wear a mask to receive any service or one can be provided

 *Clients will have to sign a guest liability form 




*Staff will perform wellness checks each morning and check temperatures prior to working

*Wash hands before each client

*If any staff member is not feeling well they must stay home or will be sent home immediately. If a staff member has a fever, they CANNOT return to work for 2 WEEKS!

*ALL staff is required to wear a face mask

*ALL stations and rooms have hand sanitizer & a Disinfecting cleaner

*ALL staff will have a disinfecting checklist that they must do before taking clients

*ALL staff will practice social distancing in backrooms. There are 3 backrooms to break in, please choose one that is not full

*Face shield will be provided when necessary

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